UGS ID 888
Name of storage facility Pusztaederics
Status of storage in operation
Nation Hungary
Storage type Oil/Gasfield
Operator Mol plc.
Reference year 2001
Installed max working gas volume [mill m³] 330
Total cushion gas volume [mill m³] 347
Peak withdrawal capacity [10³ m³/h] 120
Injection capacity [10³ m³/h] 80
Storage formation ---
Depth top structure, resp. cavern roof [m] 1400
Min storage pressure [BHP bar] 65
Max allowable storage pressure [BHP bar] 140
Net thickness [m] 7
Porosity [%] 23
Permeability [mD] 117
No of storage wells, resp. caverns 23
Installed compressor power [MW] 11