
Presentations by IGU

"European Security of Supply and Geopolitics", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, European Forum Gas 2006, Germany, April 2006


Presentation by Jorge Doumanian at FIER 2006, Mexico


Perspectives sur l'offre du gaz mondiale, presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President at AFG Gas Conference 2005 on 14 September 2005 in Paris, France


Regulation and Investment, in the Energy Domain: some remarks, presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, 5th ERRA Conference, Hungary, May 2006


Third Asia Gas Buyers’ Summit, presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, New Delhi, India 14 February, 2005

NARUC 2006

Presentation by Mr. Ernesto Lopez Anadon, IGU President, at the World Forum Regulation III conference, Washington, 10 October 2006


COP10 presentation: International Gas Union, by Mr. Peter K. Storm, IGU Secretary General


Natural Gas Day - presentation by George Verberg, IGU President on 11 November 2004 in Helsinki, Finland


Eurasian Energy Security - Market Access & Investment Policy, Investment in Market Diversity - A Shared Goal, presentation by Mr. George Verberg, Tbilisi, Georgia, 19-21 June 2006

ECE 2007

IGU during the Argentine Triennium, presentation by Mr. Peter Storm, IGU Secretary General, ECE Working Party on Gas, Geneva, Switzerland 23-24 January 2007


"NGV Business: Opportunities for the Natural Gas Industry", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, 11th Annual NGV Conference, Italy, June 2005


"Cross Border Gas Trade - some lessons from events in the past", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, Fourth Asia Gas Partnership Summit, India, February 2006


"The World of Gas, a Global Gas Market?", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, 20th International Scientific Meeting of Gas Experts, Croatia, 4 May 2005


"Perspectives on Worldwide Gas Supply" presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, European Energy Supply in Times of Globalisation Conference, Germany, 13 September 2005


COP 10 Presentation - Gas: The Transition Fuel, by Mr. Ulco Vermeulen, IGU


"Sourcing Gas: in what market structure and at what price", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, Power 2005, Italy, 18 May 2005


"Natural Gas: Energy Driver of the World?", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, Energy Convention Groningen, Netherlands, 27 October 2005 (10MB)

IGU Slides

IGU presentation (latest update December 2005) in various formats


Gas Market Reforms/Liberalisation and Regulations in Europe, presentation by Mr. René Snijder, IGU, 3rd ASEAN+3 Natural Gas Forum, Malaysia, January 2006