This is the portal for all work done by PGC F (Research Development and Innovation). The portal will be used for sharing information between PGC F members and serve as the location of storing documents, presentations and discussions.


Mr Jack Leward Dr Gerard Linke Mr Rod Rinholm

 Jack Lewnard

Gerald Linke

Rod Rinholm

United States of America


United States of America

tel: + 1 302-736-7677

tel:+ 49 228 9188 700

tel:+ 1 847-768-0860

PGC F – R&D and Innovation

The impact of R&D and technology innovation is a foundational element across the spectrum of the gas industry – from the substantial growth in global resources with the resultant expansion in gas transportation infrastructure, to development and implementation of efficiencies and new applications in energy utilization.

PGC F is progressing in its activities to further information exchange and collaboration in global gas research, technology transfer, and emerging technology and innovation. The gas industry is experiencing rapid advancement in technical and commercial innovations. Global gas supply is expanding due to development of unconventional resources such as coal bed methane, tight sands, and shale gas, as well as advances for deepwater and Arctic areas. On the demand side, innovations are creating expanded opportunities for gas in traditional markets as well as rapidly growing markets such as transportation, either directly through CNG or LNG, or indirectly via gas-to-liquids processes. Safety continues to be a focus area for gas the gas industry, for both existing infrastructure and the rapidly expanding transmission and distribution systems in growing economies.

The PGC F committee has established three study groups to address key natural gas research and innovation topics.

SG F.1: Technical Programme for International Gas Research Conference (IGRC2014)
The primary deliverable for PGC F is the 2014 International Gas Research Conference, IGRC2014, scheduled to be held 17-19 September 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. For more than 30 years, IGRC conferences have provided a unique forum highlighting the latest advances in the gas industry. IGU has actively supported recent conferences, and under the current triennium, the IGRC conferences are now formally incorporated into IGU.

The scope of IGRC2014 includes technology developments as well as innovations in products, services, and business models across the entire gas value chain. This study group is responsible for setting the structure of the conference; issuing the call for papers; selecting papers and speakers for technical sessions and workshops; and administering awards including the Young Researcher Prize and the Dan Dolenc Best Paper Prize. The Study Group has drawn across the expertise of the entire PGC F committee as well as external experts to define program structure and compelling, high-interest topics. The conference “call-for-papers” is scheduled to be released later this year, and include topics related to both technical and business aspects of innovation in the gas industry.

SG F.2: Development of International Gas RD&D Collaborative Programs
Over the last decade there has been a decline in R&D investment by the gas industry, particularly in gas utilization. The goal of this study group is to review, identify and assess means for the effective promotion of R&D within the gas industry. The first task is developing an inventory of global R&D programs and facilities to establish a baseline level. The follow-on tasks investigate business models for gas R&D in terms of short and long-term drivers, and the intrinsic value from research and technology investments. Deliverables will include a database of natural gas R&D facilities, capabilities and programs as well as frameworks for inter-company and international cooperation and collaboration.

SG F.3: Convergence of Gas with Electric and Renewable Energy
The goal of this study group is to identify positioning and new business models that anchor natural gas as part of the future energy mix. For example, zero-carbon renewable gas, produced from biomass via anaerobic digestion or gasification/methanation, can be integrated into the existing gas infrastructure. Gas can augment renewable geothermal and solar energy for heating and cooling loads. It can also back up intermittent electricity production from renewable sources such as solar, wind, and wave power. In addition, the gas grid has enormous potential to provide energy storage for the electric grid by converting the energy from “excess electrons” into gaseous fuel components. Given these scenarios, the gas infrastructure becomes critical for integrated energy grids that holistically manage electricity and thermal loads. Specific tasks for this group will include identification of innovative technology and business models to maximize the value of gas and integration and relationship with renewable power and electric distribution systems.


Members in PGC F