Ernesto López Anadón
IGU President

On behalf of the International Gas Union (IGU) and the Argentine National Organising Committee it gives me great pleasure to invite you all to Buenos Aires for the 24th World Gas Conference which will take place on 5-9 October 2009.

It is a great honour for Argentina to be hosting the most important event of the global natural gas industry. The 24th World Gas Conference will close the 2006-2009 triennium, during which over 750 industry experts worldwide have been involved in contributing to all the studies and programmes undertaken under the Argentine Presidency.

With this invaluable support which plainly reflects the core strength of IGU, we are quite certain that this event will successfully unite, once again, the natural gas industry from all over the world to present its findings, discuss and share the latest technologies and best practices, and propose strategies for the continued growth and development of natural gas as the fuel of choice, under the title:

The Global Energy Challenge: Reviewing the Strategies for Natural Gas

The work comprises all domains of the gas industry, from the wellhead to the end user, covering also special important features such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), sustainable development, market integration, regulation, and research and development.

In this way, it is the purpose of IGU to continue in its contribution to a sharper insight on the new key energy and natural gas industry challenges, involving every representative stakeholder in this process, including governments and policy-makers.

The host city is Buenos Aires, where we are sure you will live an exceptional urban adventure, enjoying a memorable cultural programme, the beauty of Argentina and warmth of its people. The chosen venue, La Rural Exhibition and Conference Centre, offers state-of-the-art exhibition and conference facilities in the heart of Buenos Aires, comfortably located near the major commercial areas and hotel facilities.

We look forward to receiving you at our home, for the 24th World Gas Conference.