Countries Represented
A list of the countries represented within IGU and their status (Charter or Associate members) as of 1 January 2012.
(C) = Charter Member
(A) = Associate Member
Algeria (C) | Malaysia (C) | |
Angola (C) | Mexico (C) | |
Argentina (C) | Monaco (C) | |
Australia (C) | Mongolia (C) | |
Austria (C) | Morocco (C) | |
Bangladesh (C) | Mozambique (C) | |
Belarus,Republic of (C) | Netherlands, The (C, A) | |
Belgium (C, A) | Nigeria (C) | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (C) | Norway (C, A) | |
Brazil (C, A) | Oman, Sultanate of (C) | |
Brunei (C) | Pakistan (C) | |
Bulgaria (C) | Peru (C) | |
Cameroon, Republic of (C) | Poland (C) | |
Canada (C) | Portugal (C,A) | |
China, People's Republic of (C, A) | Qatar (C) | |
Croatia (C) | Romania (C) | |
Cyperus © | Russia, Federation of (C, A) | |
Czech Republic (C) | Saudi Arabia (C) | |
Denmark (C) | Serbia (C) | |
Egypt (C, A) | Singapore (C) | |
Equatorial Guinea (C) | Slovak Republic (C) | |
Estonia (C) | Slovenia (C) | |
Finland (C) | South Africa (C) | |
France (C, A) | Spain (C, A) | |
Germany (C, A) | Sweden (C) | |
Greece (C) | Switzerland (C, A) | |
Hong Kong, China (C) | Taiwan, China (C) | |
India (C, A) | Thailand (C) | |
Indonesia (C) | Timor Leste (C) | |
Iran (C) | Trinidad and Tobago (C) | |
Ireland (C, A) | Tunisia (C) | |
Israel (C) | Turkey (C, A) | |
Italy (C) | Ukraine (C) | |
Japan (C) | United Arab Emirates (C, A) | |
Kazakhstan (C) | United Kingdom (C, A) | |
Korea, Republic of (C) | USA (C, A) | |
Latvia (C) | Uzbekistan (C) | |
Libya (C) | Venezuela (C) | |
Lithuania (C) | Vietnam (C) | |
Macedonia(C) |