PGC C: Gas Markets


The basic mission of PGC C is to identify and analyze the emerging issues and key market drivers that both developed and developing gas markets are facing with and to provide insights into the promotion of gas markets.

Over the last Trienniums, PGC C focused on changes in regional gas markets. During the 2012-2015 Triennium, however, PGC C will turn its attention to specific world-wide issues and their impact on regional gas markets. In this way, more comparative analyses across the regional gas market will be carried out. The issues to be examined are as follows.

    • Role of Natural Gas in Electricity Mix
    • Implications of Developing Unconventional Gas

To accomplish these objectives, PGC C formed two study groups.


Mr. Gi Chul JUNG Mr. Sid-Ahmed HAMDANI Ms. Soo-Ock Shin
Jung Hamdani Mini Ms Shin PGCC Secretary
Head of Global Relations Promotion Group

Senior Business Analyst

Strategy, Planning & Economy                         


International Cooperation Team

215 Jeongja-dong Bundang-gu Djenane El Malik, Hydra                                       171 Dolma-ro, Bundang-gu
Seongnam 463-754   Seongnam-si, Gyunggi-do, 463-754
Korea Algeria Korea
Tel: +82 (0)31 710 5790 Tel: +21(3)2154-7000 Tel: +82(31)710-5794
Fax: +82 (0)31 710 0707 Fax:  Fax: +82(31)710-0669

Cooperative Activities

PGC C has been requested to submit articles for IGU magazine and special reports for WGC 2015. The list is below.

  - Articles for IGU Magazine: Half-annual

    • During 1st half of the triennium: 1 article to be published on Spring 2013
    • During 2nd half of the triennium: 1 article expected. Schedule is to be determined.

  - Special Reports: To be published in March 2015

    • Natural Gas, a key factor for sustainable development in emerging countries: PGC C & TF 3 (Geopolitics)
    • Best practices: All committees 

Study Groups

Study Group C.1: Role of Natural Gas in Electricity Generation Mix

Led by Alexey BITERYAKOV (OAO Gazprom, Russia)

- Work Scope

    • Provide an overview of fuel mix in electricity generation in the major economies
    • Identify major changes and emerging issues in power markets and examine the implications to gas market
    • Conduct a comparative analysis on price competitiveness across fuels for power generation
    • Analyze changes on governmental nuclear policies in the major economies and their impact
    • Offer strategic policy options for both developing and developed gas markets



Study Group C.2: Implications of Developing Unconventional Gas

Led by Shigeki SAKAMOTO (JX Nippon, Japan)

- Work Scope

    • Identify supply potentials and characteristics of unconventional natural gas resources around the world
    • Changes in government policies and energy mix in the unconventional gas-abundant countires
    • Identify issues and challenges pertaining to development of unconventional natural gas
    • Analyse the potential impact on gas supply-demand balance and prices in both regional and global gas markets
    • Provide strategic policy options for both developing and developed gas markets




PGC C Informal Meeting: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3 June 2012

PGC C 1st Meeting (with PGC B): Oran, Algeria, 27-28 November, 2012

PGC C 2nd Meeting (with PGC B): Jeju Island, Korea, 20-22 March 2013




PGC C Report 2003-2006

PGC C Report 2006-2009

PGC C Report 2009-2012 (PGC C members only)