Working Committee 2 (WOC 2) - Gas Storage
Underground storage plays an important role in the gas chain in balancing supply and demand therefore addressing functionality, technology and cost factor deserves attention.
A D M I N I S T R A T I O N:
Dr. Vladimír ONDERKA |
Hélène Giouse |
RWE Transgasnet, s.r.o.
V Olsinach 75/2300,
100 00 Prague
phone: +420 267 97 4477
fax: +420 267 97 6949
Czech Republic
C O N T A C T S:
- WOC 2 membership (Excel data sheet, 74 kB)
P R O G R A M M E:
S G 2.1
S G 2.2
S G 2.3