Working Committee 3 (WOC 3): Transmission

3. A Impact of regulation on gas transmission, safety and security of supply
Objectives: The objective of this forum is to identify, describe and discuss which regulatory activities are having an impact on gas transmission and in particular on safety and security of supply in the short, middle, and long-term base. Another target is to evaluate alternatives aimed to minimize negative consequences of regulation within reasonable cost competitive considerations.
Key words: Regulation - Pipeline operation – Safety - Security of supply - Benchmarking

3. B Review of new technologies in pipeline and construction monitoring
Objectives: The speakers should present new technologies in pipeline and construction monitoring, detailing the benefits of these new technologies on issues like safety, reliability and efficiency.
Key words: Technology – Pipeline operation – Pipeline construction – Pipeline maintenance – Land use

3. C Contribution of gas transmission to climate protection and sustainable development
Objectives: Discussion in this forum should be focused on the best practices to reduce the industry’s environmental impact at transmission level.
Key words: Climate protection – Sustainable development – Kyoto protocol - Environment