
Working Committee 4 (WOC 4): Distribution

4. A Examples of asset management approaches in gas distribution networks.
Objectives: Asset Management is a developing area in gas distribution operator companies and is becoming the major tool to influence corporate decisions and driving investments. The speakers will review the processes and methodologies used to develop strategies for operating, maintaining and replacing gas distribution networks. The study will recognize the influence of differing regulatory frameworks both in defining local good practice and assessing the applicability of “best” international practices.

Examples of report topics might include:

  • Data & Information management
    o IT: tools & developments
    o Asset assessment
    o Condition-based data collection
  • People Management
    o Skills & availability of workforce
    o Workforce management systems
  • Influence of regulation
    o Tariff /Opex / Capex
    o Influence on safety / reliability
  • Overall asset management strategies
    o Maintenance strategies
    o Key drivers
    o Network planning
    o Organizational issues
    o Risk-based / condition-oriented / time-based / reactive approach
  • The definition of distribution integrity performance measures;
  • The availability and applicability of cost/benefit calculations;
  • The influence of national and international technical standards;

Key words: Asset - Management - Risk - Integrity - Cost - Data – Regulation – Performance - Standards – Safety.

4. B Leakage reduction strategies & practices within gas distribution networks.
Objectives: The speakers will determine the process necessary for the evaluation and determination of leading practices used in the industry for the management of leakage from gas distribution systems. These leading practices will be based on reviewing commonly defined metrics of operational performance. Methane is a significant greenhouse gas and leakage is perceived to contribute to depletion of the ozone layer. Leakage also presents safety, economic and operational challenges to distribution operators.

Examples of report topics might include:

  • A review of leakage management strategies within member countries;
  • Assessment of the ability to quantify leakage from distribution systems;
  • The effectiveness of leakage survey methodologies;
  • Best practices in leakage management systems;
  • Existing and emerging technologies for leakage control.

Key words: Methane – Leakage – Environment – Detection – Survey – Measurement – Prevention - Technique – Incentive – Safety.

4. C Prevention of third party interference damage to distribution assets.
Objectives: The speakers will evaluate their approach to the reduction of third party interference damage to gas distribution systems. It is important to determine the various approaches, funding levels, legal requirements and collaborative efforts currently in place. The study will provide a review of damage control activities and systems.

Examples of report topics might include:

  • Provision of plant records & information to enable location;
  • Legal/regulatory requirements driving plant location;
  • Measures of effectiveness of plant protection systems;
  • Resourcing requirements for site attendance where provided;
  • Review of existing and emerging technologies for damage control;
  • Identification of best practices in plant and damage location systems across all utilities

Key Words: Damage – Prevention – Risk – Locate – Records – Behaviours – Prevention – Safety – Regulation.

4. D Recent developments in distribution practices.
Objectives: The speakers will describe examples of innovative techniques, practices, technologies or systems that have contributed to improvements in the efficiency, integrity or the reliability of the gas distribution network.

Examples of report topics might include:

  • Tools and equipment
  • Techniques
  • Materials
  • Workforce management
  • Contracting strategies
  • Regulatory incentives
  • Information systems
  • Emergent technologies

Key words: Practices – Emergent – Tools – Techniques – Materials - Management – Contract – Regulation – Information – Performance – Efficiency – Integrity – Reliability .