Programme Committee D (PGC D): Liquefied Natural Gas

9. A Construction, operation and maintenance know how in LNG facilities
Objectives: A lot of LNG liquefaction plants and receiving terminals are in operation and under construction. Construction, operation and maintenance know-how in LNG facilities which impact on particular aspects including safety, security and environmental concerns should be addressed here by the authors.
Key words: Construction – Operation – Maintenance –Safety – Environment – Specifications - Gas quality, Aging - Know-how - Kaizen - Low cost

9. B Economic aspects in the LNG industry
Objectives: LNG world trade has become more active with new markets and transaction schemes, in line with the increase of players. The new trends in contracts, transactions, supply and demand, emerging markets, globalization and competition with other energies will be discussed in this session.
Key words: LNG market – Trading – Flexibility – Arbitrage – Swap - Contracts

9. C New Technologies in LNG Industry
Objectives: LNG is facing a dynamic development due to its several favourable features. However, the construction of new plants and terminals are facing increasing difficulties of diverse nature. This section will deal with the new technologies on liquefaction plants and receiving terminals that have been developed to face these difficulties.
Key words: New technology - Cost reduction Safety - Public acceptance

9.D Other LNG topics
Objective: Authors are invited to present papers on any other theme related to LNG, from liquefaction, to maritime transport and cargoes, receiving terminals, custody and handling.
Key words: Liquefaction – Shipping – Handling – Terminals – Safety - Environment