Special Project: Gas Market Integration

The goal of the Task Force on Gas Market Integration is to identify the possible success keys that enable or favour the regional energy and gas market integration.

Authors are encouraged to submit papers detailing learnings from past experiences and real cases that favour the regional gas market integration.

Two issues are of particular interest:

10. A Structure harmonization of the energy and gas business that facilitate a regional integration
Objectives: The study of this topic will include the following issues as,

  • Trading development between different regions
  • Security of gas supply and demand

Key words: Cases – Experiences -Supply –Regional – Harmonization- Pricing Structure

10. B The goals that governmental and corporate players must reach to be successful in the gas markets integration process
Objectives: The study of this topic will include the following issues as,

  • The role of governments in energy integration processes and regulation as a structural driver to promote natural gas markets development, and create
  • Identification of the context in which private corporations will have confidence to invest.
  • New and flexible regulation
  • The Inclusion of geographical, environmental, social and cultural aspects that have a particular importance for energy integration
  • Conditions to ensure the sustainability of these processes and the interests of the consumers.

Key words: Cases – Experiences – Private sector - Public Sector – Regulation – Geographies – Environment – Social issues – Cultural issues - Aspects for integration – Sustainability