WOC 1: Exploration and Production |
IGU Committee Sessions |
V. Yakushev
Chair |
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Difficult Reservoirs and Unconventional Natural Gas Resources
Chaired by: Vladimir Yakushev, WOC 1 Chair, Russia
Address significant prospective unconventional resources and technologies for their exploration and production. Issues
include resource dedication, development of new technologies, particulars of production and supply, economic data,
environmental issues, outlook and prospects.
- Triennial study report presentation by Kamel Chikhi, WOC 1 Vice Chair, Study Group leader, Algeria
- A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a
constructive debate with the audience.
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Remaining Conventional World Gas Resources and Technological Challenges for their Development
Chaired by: Kamel Chikhi, Algeria
Review reports on mature gas production areas, and their remaining resources and reserves. It also includes new opportunities
in Arctic areas, as well as issues related to gas monetisation for different markets.
- Triennial study report presentation by Dominique Copin, Study Group leader, France
- A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a
constructive debate with the audience.
Expert Fora
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Exploration of New Reserves and Areas
Chaired by: to be confirmed
Specialists in exploration will be invited to present their experience in gas geology, exploration techniques, and ecological solutions
in the upstream sector.
A selection of the papers submitted about this topic will be presented and discussed. |
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Production and Processing Techniques
Chaired by: to be confirmed
Hydrocarbon production and processing will be discussed as from the presentation of selected contributors, willing to present their
findings on some of the following topics: reservoir management, production and processing of stranded and difficult reserves, CO2
and other non-hydrocarbon gases, processing and disposal during production, EOR and EGR, gas treatment and conversion, and
ecological solutions. |