The following Strategic Panels were defined to address what have been identified as some of the key topics during the
2006 – 2009 triennium. Experts on each of these will be invited to provide their views from diverging angles to ensure an
enriching debate.
Strategic Panel 1: Tuesday 6 October, 14.30 – 16.00
Outlook to 2030: Reviewing the Strategies for Natural Gas |
Change has been the only constant in the energy world for the last decade on almost every front: markets and prices,
policies and regulation, geopolitics and finance, technology and environmental drivers, to mention just a few.
How should the global gas industry react to this dynamic scenario? And, more importantly, what are the realistic capabilities
of our industry to satisfy the world energy needs while facing these increasing uncertainties?
During the 2006 – 2009 triennium the IGU membership has dedicated extensive resources to address these issues, the
result of which will be detailed in the 2030 Natural Gas Industry Outlook study, whose proceedings will be delivered during
the Conference. Some of the highlights of this study, coupled by the views of high-level panellists, will be discussed during
this session.
Strategic Panel 2: Tuesday 6 October, 14.30 – 16.00
Innovation and New Technologies for Increasing Gas Competitiveness |
Research and Development (R&D) has always been high on IGU’s agenda. A specific Task Force was established for that purpose,
to evaluate the state of the industry regarding current and prospective investments in this activity, while promoting its strategic
value to all relevant stakeholders.
The Task Force has recently focused on how R&D will shape the 21st century gas companies, as well as on the preparation of the
International Gas Union Research Conference (October 2008).
The strategic panel will pick up from the main emerging conclusions, to discuss further how innovation and new technologies
will contribute to increase the gas business and competitiveness, particularly on topics concerning safety and security of supply,
environmental issues, and gas efficiency and utilisation.
Strategic Panel 3: Wednesday 7 October, 14.30 – 16.00
Adjusting the Balance between Security of Supply and Demand: Views from Energy Ministers |
During this triennium, IGU has continued to foster its relationship with energy ministers and other policy-makers, in its
intent to enhance its role as spokesman for the global gas industry.
Following a very positive interaction with the International Energy Forum (IEF), the largest recurring global gathering of
energy ministers comprising over 70 countries, we will be hosting a panel of government officials from both relevant gasproducing
and gas-consuming countries, to debate about their latest views on both the supply and demand-side implications
of energy interdependence, especially on how they relate to increase global energy security.
Strategic Panel 4: Wednesday 7 October, 14.30 – 16.00
Natural Gas and the Sustainability Question: How Many Answers Can We Provide? |
There is a general consensus on the favourable attributes of natural gas regarding environmental issues when comparing to
other fossil fuels, particularly in terms of energy efficiency and emissions. Furthermore, the potential of the gas industry to
combine supplies with some of the renewable energy sources, and the possibilities to use its infrastructure and know-how
to contribute to CO2 mitigation, places it in a relevant position to contribute to a sustainable energy future.
Yet, the gas industry has several challenges to address to adequately provide some of the solutions the global community is
expecting on this issue.
A special study on CO2 mitigation was conducted through the combined forces of some of IGU’s Technical Committees.
The findings will be delivered in this panel, to trigger the discussion with invited environmental and climate change
Strategic Panel 5: Thursday 8 October, 14.30 – 16.00
Finding the Links for Gas Market Integration |
Either because their regional gas market is still on an early stage of development, or because they are facing an increasingly
demanding energy prospect, policy-makers and corporations working along the gas chain are currently drawing or reviewing their
strategies to face the approaching challenges.
The dynamics of world geopolitical and economic developments, the consolidation of trading blocks, the trends to define a new
set of rules and regulations that structure the energy business, the mergers and shifts of strengths among the energy players, and the
technological developments that enable new trading possibilities, provide additional complexities to this decision process.
During the 2006-2009 triennium, a specific Task Force was established to analyse a number of leading cases around the world that
provide useful lessons which will help identify the key success factors to promote sustainable gas market integration processes.
Panellists closely involved in these case studies will be sharing their main findings during this session.
Strategic Panel 6: Thursday 8 October, 14.30 – 16.00
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): From Market Facilitator to Global Market Driver |
In the last decades, LNG has developed from a technical solution for a market need, to an established business driver, while playing
other diverse roles like market buffer and arbitrator.
In the future, LNG will play an increasing role in the search for balance between security of supply and demand, but what is a
realistic perception of the “comfort space” LNG can actually provide to the dynamics of the future world gas market?
These and other challenges will be discussed by panellists representing key players in the LNG activity.
Strategic Panel 7: Friday 9 October, 09.45 – 11.45
Natural Gas: An Accomplished Driver for Vehicles Around the World |
The International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV) is the largest international organisation devoted to the
development of Natural Gas for Vehicles (NGV) and is affiliated to IGU.
IGU and IANGV have been working jointly for the past three triennia on the study and promotion of NGV. The number
of vehicles using natural gas is expected to increase from nearly 8 million in 2008 to over 60 million in 2020.
The panel will complement the discussions of Working Committee 5, with special focus on the successful NGV programmes
around the world, and the driving forces behind them.
Strategic Panel 8: Friday 9 October, 09.45 – 11.45
Marketing Natural Gas in a Demanding Environment |
During the 2006 – 2009 triennium the former InterGas Marketing organisation came under the auspices of IGU, under its
new name IGU Gas Marketing (IGM), contributing to the technical programme on the following topics:
- Natural gas and renewables
- How can marketing contribute to promote natural gas in new areas and new technologies?
The findings of these studies will open the session to a panel of experts, supplemented by short film sequences, and an
interactive section with statements and polling questions to and from the audience.
Strategic Panel 9: Friday 9 October, 09.45 – 11.45
GTL & Unconventional Sources of Liquid Fuels |
In line with the long established relationship between WPC and IGU, a slot has been reserved to address the key messages
and conclusions emerging from the 2008 World Petroleum Congress (June 2008), during which IGU contributed with a
special session on gas market integration.
Special Session: Friday 9 October, 14.00 – 16.00
Triennial Work Programme 2009 – 2012 |
The session will be opened by the incoming IGU President, Datuk Rahim Hashim.
This introduction will be followed by a presentation conducted by Ho Sook Wah, IGU’s incoming Coordination Committee
Chair, on the strategic guidelines and highlights of the 2009 - 2012 Triennial Work Programme.
Further detail will then be provided by each of the newly appointed Working Committee and Programme Committee
Chairs, allowing some time for discussion.