IGU Committee Sessions |
H. Wolf
Chair |
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News from Pipeline Transmission Systems: Sweeping Blows from Regulation Effects over Environmental Impacts, to
New Monitoring Technologies and Challenging New Pipeline Projects
Chaired by: Helge Wolf, WOC 3 Chair, Germany
To deliver the main findings of the committee´s work during the triennium on the following themes:
• Impact of regulation on gas transmission, safety and security of supply
• Review of new technologies in pipeline and construction monitoring
• Contribution of gas transmission to climate protection and sustainable development
• Study Group report presentations
• A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive
debate with the audience. |
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Screening for Challenging New Off- and On-shore Pipeline Projects – Security of Supply in the Field of a Growing
Worldwide Gas Pipeline Network and Energy-Hungry Markets
Chaired by: Eric Dam, WOC 3 Vice Chair, The Netherlands
Challenging new off- and on-shore pipeline projects are currently planned or under construction. Diverse projects and
their challenging technical background will be addressed, together with presentations about new technologies in pipeline
and construction monitoring to enlarge the span of pipeline life. The session will also try to shed some light on the needs
of growing energy markets and how LNG and pipeline gas can jointly satisfy these needs.
• A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive
debate with the audience. |
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Review of New Technologies in Pipeline Monitoring
Chaired by: Jorge Bonetto, Study Group leader, Argentina
To address new technologies in pipeline monitoring and their improvement on safety, reliability and efficiency. This
session will also focus on themes like new technical challenging pipeline projects, Risk Assessment and Pipeline Integrity
Management Systems. Other major points of the session will include technological development against corrosion, with a
special attention to Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC), and methods to avoid or at least mitigate third party damage.
• Study Group report presentation on New Technologies in Pipeline Monitoring by Jorge Bonetto, Study Group leader, Argentina
• A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive
debate with the audience. |
Expert Fora
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Impact of Regulation on Gas Transmission, Safety and Security of Supply
Chaired by: Marinus Kornalijnslijper, Study Group leader, The Netherlands
Identify, describe and discuss which regulatory activities are having an impact on gas transmission, particularly on safety and security
of supply in the short, middle and long-term perspective. Another objective is to evaluate alternatives aimed to minimise negative
consequences of regulation within reasonable cost-competitive considerations. Special interest is intended on inter-operability
of regulated and non-regulated regimes, the interdependence of safety and security of supply to regulation, and company-driven
investments versus law-driven ones. |
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Contribution of Gas Transmission to Climate Protection and Sustainable Development
Chaired by: Sigve Apeland, Study Group leader, Norway
Discussion in this forum will be focused on the best practices to reduce the industry’s environmental impact at transmission level.
Presentations about measures to reduce emissions of CO2, NOx and CH4 in particular will be part of the forum. The forum
intends to point out the contribution of the gas transmission industry to reach the targets of Kyoto protocol.