PGC A: Sustainable Development
IGU Committee Sessions
J. Puertas
V. Chair - Acting Chair
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The Gas Industry Response to Climate Change

Chaired by: Juan Puertas, acting Chair for PGC A and Study Group leader, Spain

To examine the degree of implementation of IGU’s Guiding Principles on Sustainable Development and Climate Change, by the gas sector companies. The guidelines themselves will be reviewed, proposing changes wherever necessary, and intending to recommend a set of actions to promote their enforcement. The adjustments to this document to be debated throughout this session and will be submitted in the future to the IGU authorities for approval.


  • Study Group report presentation by Juan Puertas, detailing the results from the consultation to the IGU Members on the
    degree of fulfilment of the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development and proposed amendments.
  • Presentation of the report on Best Practices in the Gas Industry, by Elbert Huijzer, Study Group leader, The
  • A selected group of speakers, moderated by Kari Lindøe Hunsbedt, PGC A Secretary, Norway, will be invited to address
    some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive debate with the audience.

Expert Fora

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Gas Chain Sustainability

Chaired by: Katarzyna Steczko, Poland

Complementing the Committee Session on the update of the IGU “Guiding Principles on Sustainable Development” this session is focused on papers supporting the main ideas of Sustainable Development.
The three important factors of Sustainable Development for the companies in the gas industry are to be:

  • Environmentally sound by making choices today that work tomorrow
  • Socially responsible by supporting healthy communities
  • Economically viable by supporting sustainable development

Papers will be presented under this topic of “Gas Chain Sustainability”. A continued focus from WGC 2006 on LCA is the paper “Life Cycle
Assessment of the Natural Gas Chain”.


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Energy Efficiency. Gas and Renewables

Chaired by: Elbert Huijzer, The Netherlands

This forum has made an effort to fi nd the best examples of Energy Effi ciency and how Gas and renewables can be used to reduce environmental impact. This forum will deal specifi cally with sustainable solutions in the gas sector.

A selection of papers on environmental improvements and cooperation with renewables will be presented. Topics are combining the comfort and availability of natural gas with solar energy, biomass or biogas and the reduction of CO2 emissions of associated gases and fl ue gases. The papers will give you insight in results reached and innovations planned on various topics in the gas chain by leading sustainable companies.