PGC B: Strategy, Economics and Regulation |
IGU Committee Sessions |
P. Moraleda
Chair |
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Gas Supply and Demand to 2030
Chaired by: Jaap Hoogakker, co-chair: Pedro Moraleda
To analyse the main drivers of gas supply and demand by regions and demand segments, and provide an estimation of what
the world gas market would look like by the year 2030. This will include the identification of the new major global trends,
and how they have affected the world energy scenarios predicted in the recent past.
- Study Group study presentation by Jaap Hoogaker, which will also explain the approach followed, detailing the several
credited sources of information on future gas supply and demand estimations. The information obtained was challenged
by the experts from producing and purchasing companies represented in the Study Group, and integrated in detailed
estimations by countries and regions to assess a global figure.
- A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a
constructive debate with the audience.
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Gas Price Formation and Trends
Chaired by: Runar Tjersland, co-chair Michael Stoppard
To carry out a comprehensive analysis of gas price formation principles and mechanisms at the global and regional level. To investigate future trends in price formation principles and mechanisms and the extent to which they can contribute to a sustainable market growth, reduce price volatility and avoid long term demand destruction and, at the same time, grant producers the level of return adequate to the risk undertaken and thereby securing the continuity of investment.
- Study Group study presentation by Runar Tjersland, detailing the extensive survey conducted this triennium on existing
gas price principles and formation models in different regions, their supporting rational, current trends, and possible
evolution towards a single model. It will also include an evaluation of the possibilities for different models to coexist in
the same market region.
- A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a
constructive debate with the audience.
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Regulation and Future Industry Structure
Chaired by: Margot Loudon, co-chairs: Susan Court & Jayesh Parmar
Present the impact of the current and expected regulatory changes in the different stages of the gas value chain at medium and
long term.
The assessment of the regulatory impact will be mainly focused on sensitive areas like the investment outlook, company structures,
synergies between gas and electricity, etc.
- Study Group study presentation by Margot Loudon, opening with a detailed picture of the regulatory trends worldwide
obtained from the input of the delegates distributed along all the global regions defined.
- A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive
debate with the audience.
Expert Fora
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Presentation and Discussion on Selected Papers
Chaired by: Mark Robinson, co-chair: Jaap Hoogakker
The forum, chaired by Jaap Hoogakker and Mark Robinson, will address the following topics with the contributors from the Call for Papers and the audience:
- The gas industry: commercial challenges and strategies
- Security of supply: regulation, economics and market
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Presentation and Discussion on Selected Papers
The forum, chaired by Ottar Skagen, Margot Loudon and Jayesh Parmar, will address the following topics with the contributors from the Call for Papers and the audience:
- Sustainability of multiple systems in an integrated market
- The gas industry: commercial challenges and strategies
- Security of supply: regulation, economics and market