PGC D: Liquefied Natural Gas
IGU Committee Sessions
S. Uchino
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LNG Quality

Chaired by: Martin Josten, Study Group leader, United Kingdom

LNG is increasingly becoming a globally traded commodity. However, its history of dedicated regional trades and more recent substitution of pipeline gas have left a legacy of varying consumer specifications. The challenge for the industry is to match supply quality with transportation system regulations and end-user requirements. This session will explore related issues, with a report by the Study Group in Programme Committee D and a selection of orally presented papers by industry specialists.


  • Study Group report presentation on LNG Quality and Inter-changeability, by Stephen Hull, United Kingdom
  • A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive
    debate with the audience.

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Economic Aspects in the LNG Industry
Chaired by: Bo-Young Kim, Study Group leader, Korea and Alaa Abujbara, Qatar

The objective of this session is to debate the critical considerations to undertake for the sound growth of a tight and competitive LNG market. Issues like LNG contractual clauses and other topics that can support the need for increasing fl exibility will be included in the agenda. Different views and different perspectives will be presented, where we expect creative ideas and opinions on the topic of reference. The discussion will focus on the necessity of change in LNG contracts as well as different perspectives on transaction, supply and demand, emerging markets, globalisation and competition with other energies.


  • Committee report presentation on status of LNG industry by Alaa Abujbara, Vice Chair for PGC D, Qatar and Study Group report presentation by Bo-Young Kim, Korea
  • A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive debate with the audience.

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Creative Solutions for New LNG Facilities

Chaired by: Rob Klein Nagelvoort, Study Group Leader, The Netherlands, and Arrigo Vienna, Italy.

New LNG projects will find it increasingly hard to meet the key criteria of profitability and public acceptability for several issues. Indeed, LNG plants are likely to be placed in more remote locations, involve more difficult gases, or will lack the economy of scale we have seen before – and they will be challenged by high construction costs. LNG terminals are subject to increasing public opposition, and schemes may have to include new ways of providing buffer capacity in markets with large variations.

This session will explore various creative solutions all through the LNG value chain, to face these challenges.


  • Study Group report presentation by Rob Klein Nagelvoort, on Creative Solutions for New LNG Facilities, which will
    explore various alternatives such as new on-shore and off-shore technologies, and different construction approaches
    that can address these issues and provide some promising ideas and guidance.
  • A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a
    constructive debate with the audience.

Expert Fora

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Operational Improvement

Chaired by: Seiichi Uchino, PGC D Chair, Japan and Luc Sabbe, Belgium

After 45 years passed from the first LNG liquefaction plant and LNG receiving terminal commenced, over 30 LNG liquefaction plants and 60 LNG receiving terminals are currently in operation. A large number of improvements have been carried out on operation and maintenance, which achieved substantial cost reduction and high safety.
In this forum, we will discuss operational and maintenance improvements on existing LNG liquefaction plants and LNG reception terminals as well as ambitious approach to develop new terminals.

A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive debate with the audience.

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New LNG Projects

Chaired by: Jean-Yves Capelle, France and Mohamed Syazwan Abdullah, Malaysia

Due to growing demand LNG a lot of new LNG projects on liquefaction plants and receiving terminals are in execution in the world. Despite high construction cost and difficulties to get permission from local community, new LNG projects are applying new technologies and scheme to bring solutions to these issues.
During this session we intend to discuss various and attractive new LNG projects.

A selected group of speakers will be invited to address some of the related topics, and time will be allocated for a constructive debate with the audience.