Contribution of the Natural Gas Industry to a Sustainable Energy System
08.30 – 08.50 Keynote Address 9: Christophe de Margerie, Chairman and CEO, TOTAL
Christophe de Margerie joined the Group after graduating from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce in
Paris in 1974. Born in 1951, he served in several positions in the Group’s Financial Department and
Exploration-Production division. He became president of Total Middle East in 1995 before joining the
Group’s executive committee as the President of the Exploration & Production division in May 1999.
He then became Senior Executive Vice-President of exploration and production of the new TotalFinaElf group in 2000. In
January 2002, he became President of the Exploration & Production division of Total. He was appointed a member of the
Board of Directors by the shareholders’ meeting held on May 12, 2006 and became Chief Executive Offi cer of Total and
Chairman of the Executive Committee on February 14, 2007. |
08.50 – 09.10 Keynote Address 10: Tan Sri Hassan Marican,
President and CEO, PETRONAS
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohd Hassan Marican, is the President and Chief Executive Offi cer of Petroliam
Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS). A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and
Wales, as well as a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and the Malaysian Institute of
Certifi ed Public Accountants, he was appointed President and CEO of PETRONAS in February 1995. Tan Sri Hassan is a
member of the PETRONAS Board of Directors, and Chairman of two public listed companies under the Group, namely
PETRONAS Gas Berhad and MISC Berhad. He is also the Chairman of Engen Limited, South Africa’s leading oil refi ning
and marketing company, a subsidiary of PETRONAS. Beyond PETRONAS, Tan Sri Hassan is a board member of the Central
Bank of Malaysia and a member of the board of Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority, which oversees petroleum development
in the overlapping area between Malaysia and Thailand. He is also a member of the International Investment Council for the
Republic of South Africa.
Tan Sri Hassan is a board member of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI)
as well as a member of the WEF’s Council of 100 Leaders. |
Management of Key Risks and Uncertainties for the Future Development of the Natural Gas Industry
13.45 – 14.05 Keynote Address 11: Tony Hayward, Group Chief Executive, BP
Tony Hayward studied geology at Birmingham University, England, and took his PhD at Edinburgh
University, Scotland. Tony joined BP in 1982 and began his career as a rig geologist in the North
Sea. Following a series of technical and commercial roles around the world, in 1992 he moved to
Colombia as exploration manager and in 1995 became president of BP Exploration in Venezuela.
Tony returned to London in 1997 as a director of BP Exploration. Following the merger of BP and Amoco, he became a
group vice president and a member of the upstream executive committee. He was appointed group treasurer in 2000, where
his responsibilities included corporate fi nance and mergers and acquisitions. Following appointments as an executive vice
president and chief executive for BP’s upstream activities, Tony was appointed to the main board of BP in 2003.
In May 2007, Tony was appointed group chief executive of BP p.l.c. He is a non-executive director of Tata Steel UK Limited and
a non-executive director of Tata Steel Limited [of India, a company listed on the Mumbai Stock Exchange]. He was appointed
companion of the Chartered Management Institute in September 2005. He is a Member of the Business Council of Britain,
a Member of Tshinghua Advisory Board, Chair of GLOBE CEO Forum for Climate Change and a Trustee of the Emirates
Tony is married to Maureen and has two teenage children. He is a keen sportsman and enjoys regular sailing, competing in
triathlons and watching football, rugby and cricket. |
14.05 – 14.25 Keynote Address 12: Thomas E. Skains, Chairman, AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION and Chairman, President & CEO, PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS CO.
Mr. Skains was elected Chairman of the Board by Piedmont’s Board of Directors in December 2003, CEO
in February 2003 and President and Chief Operating Offi cer in February 2002. Previously, Mr. Skains served
as Senior Vice President - Marketing and Supply Services and directed Piedmont’s commercial natural gas
activities since joining the company in April 1995. Prior to joining Piedmont, Mr. Skains was employed by Transcontinental Gas Pipe
Line Corporation in Houston, Texas as Senior Vice President - Transportation and Customer Services. He joined Transco in 1981 as an
attorney and served as corporate and senior attorney before being named Vice President in 1986 and Senior Vice President in 1989.
Mr. Skains has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Sam Houston State University and a Doctorate of Jurisprudence
degree from the University of Houston Law School. He was recently elected First Vice Chairman - Board of Directors of the American
Gas Association for 2008 and is past Chairman of the Southern Gas Association. In Charlotte, he has served on the Boards of the
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, the United Way of Central Carolinas and as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Providence Day
School. He has also served as co-chair of the 2004 & 2005 American Heart Association Charlotte Metro Heart Walks and the 2006s
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Arts and Science Council Annual Fund Drive. Mr. Skains is an inactive member of the State Bar of Texas.