Natural Gas Industry Study to 2030: Enabling Solutions for Energy Demand and Environmental Challenges |
1. IGU 2030 FINAL Report.pdf |
Natural Gas: Unlocking the Low Carbon Future |
2. IGU Climate FINAL Report - print version.pdf |
2. IGU Climate FINAL Full Report - CD version.pdf |
Proposed IGU Guidelines for Gas Market Integration |
3. IGU GMI Guidelines FINAL - print version.pdf |
3. IGU GMI Guidelines FINAL - CD contents |
Asian Perspective.pdf |
Exxonmobil & Qatar.pdf |
Iran Pakistan India.pdf |
North America.pdf |
Russia & China.pdf |
Russia & Germany.pdf |
Southern Cone.pdf |
Transasean.pdf |
UK Gas Market.pdf |
Best Practices of the Natural Gas Industry |
4. IGU Best Practices FINAL- print version.pdf |
4. IGU Best Practices FINAL - CD contents |
1. Exploration - High technologies of environmental management on gas fields of Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg.pdf |
1. Exploration - New materials & methods of insulation repair works in gas wells on Urengoy field.pdf |
1. Exploration - The role of integrated asset modeling in gas fields management.pdf |
2. Storage - Herscher Galesville Storage Expansion Project.pdf |
3. Transmission - Accurate calculation of pipeline transport capacity.pdf |
3. Transmission - Environmental aspects in design & operation of long distance gas transmission systems.pdf |
3. Transmission - Major technical solutions applied during Bovanenkovo.pdf |
3. Transmission - Petronas Gas Berhad's total pipeline integrity management system.pdf |
3. Transmission - Reduction of methane emissions in the EU natural gas industry.pdf |
3. Transmission - Stess-corrosion in trunk pipelines - current status & safe operation forecast.pdf |
3. Transmission - Taking pipeline integrity management to a higher level. The PIMS experience of Gasunie.pdf |
4. Distribution - Damage prevention on gas distribution assets in the United States.pdf |
4. Distribution - GrDF asset management strategy. New tools for risk, investment & maintenance management.pdf |
4. Distribution - Reducing fugitive emissions from gas distribution systems.pdf |
4. Distribution - Risk management cycle as part of an asset management process.pdf |
4. Distribution - Safety performance indicators in gas distribution.pdf |
5. Utilisation - New generation energy system with SOFC & PEFC co-production.pdf |
5. Utilisation - Technological development for the enhancement of the natural gas applications.pdf |
6. Sustainable Development - Assessment of distributed carbon capture & sequestration in Japan.pdf |
6. Sustainable Development - BP Noel - A Canadian unconventional gas development & example.pdf |
6. Sustainable Development - Methane's role in promoting sustainable development.pdf |
6. Sustainable Development - Recompression of natural gas; saving the environment & money.pdf |
6. Sustainable Development - Working together.pdf |
6.Sustainable Development - New well survey methods.pdf |
7. Strategy, Economics & Regulation - Underground coal gasification & its application.pdf |
8. LNG - Accurate determination of LNG quality unloaded in receiving terminals.pdf |
8. LNG - Challenging the traditional approach to safety management.pdf |
8. LNG - Growing challenges of heat exchanger's operation & maintenance in LNG plants.pdf |
8. LNG - Innovation in the LNG industry - Shell's approach.pdf |
IGU Energy Efficiency Indicators: Conservation and Efficiency are the New Sources of Energy |
5. IGU Energy Eficiency Indicators FINAL- print version.pdf |
5. IGU Energy Efficiency Indicators FINAL - CD contents.xls |