Older presentations
IGU Presentations - IGU Knowledge
IGU organises world-wide events in connection with UN Conferences such as the COP meetings, Summit on Sustainable Development and the like. Also regional events are organised by IGU together with regional members and IGU is often represented in the major events of other Energy organisations such as WEC and WPC.
Sustainable Development/Climate Change
- "Security of Supply; Another Perspective", presentation by Mr. Ernesto A. López Anadón, IGU President, World Forum Regulation, Washington, USA, October 2006
- Conference of the Parties (COP) 10, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2004
- Conference of the Parties (COP) 9, Milan, Italy, December 2003
- Regulation and Investment, in the Energy Domain: some remarks, presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, 5th ERRA Conference, Hungary, May 2006
- Gas Market Reforms/Liberalisation and Regulations in Europe, presentation by Mr. René Snijder, IGU, 3rd ASEAN+3 Natural Gas Forum, Malaysia, January 2006
Presentations at other International Organisations
- "IGU during the Argentine Triennium", presentation by Mr. Peter Storm, IGU Secretary General, ECE Working Party on Gas, Switzerland, January 2007
- " Eurasian Energy Security - Market Access & Investment Policy, Investment in Market Diversity - A Shared Goal", presentation by Mr. George Verberg, Tbilisi, Georgia, 19-21 June 2006
- "European Security of Supply and Geopolitics", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, European Forum Gas 2006, Germany, April 2006
- "European Gas Market(s) and Regulation/Liberalisation", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, SGOA Autumn Conference, Slovakia, November 2005
- Natural Gas in the Global Energy Picture", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, 18th World Petroleum Congress, South Africa, September 2005
- "Progress and Future of Clean Transportation Fuels: CNG, LCNG, LNG, Biogas,H2", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, ANGVA 2005, Malaysia, July 2005
- "NGV Business: Opportunities for the Natural Gas Industry", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, 11th Annual NGV Conference, Italy, June 2005
- "Some Highlights of the Global Gas Market", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, Eurogas General Assembly, Austria, 19 May 2005
Presentations at other events
- IGU during the Argentine Triennium, presentation by Mr. Peter Storm, IGU Secretary General, The Autumn Gas Conference of the Czech Gas Association, Czech Republic, October 2006
- "Regional integration of Gas markets", presentation by Mr. Jorge Doumanian, Chairman of IGU Gas Market Integration Task Force, FIER 2006, Mexico, September 2006
- "Cross Border Gas Trade - some lessons from events in the past", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, Fourth Asia Gas Partnership Summit, India, February 2006
- "Connections are Crucial", presentation and speech by Mr. Bert Panman, IGU Coordination Committee Chairman, Russian Gas 2005 Conference, Russia, 29 November 2005 presentation - speech
- "Energy (Technology) in the Future", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, Danish Gas Association, Denmark, 17 November 2005 (16 MB)
- "The Supply, Demand and Pricing Outlook in Western European Gas Markets", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, British Energy Association Seminar "Where are Energy Prices Going?" United Kingdom 8 November 2005
- "Natural Gas: Energy Driver of the World?", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President,Energy Convention Groningen, Netherlands, 27 October 2005 (10MB)
- "The Global Gas Business in 2015" presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, ATCE, Texas, USA, 10 October 2005
- "Perspectives on Worldwide Gas Supply" presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, European Energy Supply in Times of Globalisation Conference, Germany, 13 September 2005
- "Sourcing Gas: in what market structure and at what price", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, Power 2005, Italy, 18 May 2005
- "The World of Gas, a Global Gas Market?", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, 20th International Scientific Meeting of Gas Experts, Croatia, 4 May 2005
- "Global Trends of GTS Development", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, GTS-2005, Moscow, Russia, 12 April, 2005
- Third Asia Gas Buyers’ Summit, presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President, New Delhi, India 14 February, 2005
IGU related events
- "Perspectives sur l'offre du gaz mondiale", presentation by Mr. George H.B. Verberg, IGU President at AFG Gas Conference 2005 on 14 September 2005 in Paris, France
- "Natural Gas World Market Is Coming Of Age", presentation by George Verberg, IGU President at GasTech 2005, on 17 March 2005 in Bilbao, Spain
- "The growing role of natural gas in the global energy supply", presentation by George Verberg, IGU President on 11 November 2004 in Helsinki, Finland